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Dreaming of Death
Dreaming of Death Dreams, interpreting your bad dreams, learn what they mean!  Find out now FREE!

I dreamt I was dead, lying in a coffin at a funeral home. Everyone stood around me, crying. What is the meaning of dreams about death?


Dreaming of death is one of the most common of all dreams. These dreams very rarely signify death, but merely heralding change. It represents an ending of one phase of your life so a new one can begin. It can represent forth coming finalities, such as an end of a marriage or career. It also means a beginning of a new life.


Dreaming of death can merely be symbolic. Unless, it happens to be of a prophetic nature then that's an entirely different meaning. We act as our own analyst when dreaming of such a subject. We, as the dreamer, have to dig deep and go down the list of subconscious fears, changes, and turbulences in our lives to be able to decipher a death dream.


Psychologically, these death dreams mean different aspects of our lives. For example, if the dead person is someone you know, consider the part of yourself that person represents. If your mother dies and you have a motherly nature, then the nurturing side of your personality could be dying. Is your dream supplying you with needed information about your lack of care and comfort within yourself and others? Or do you secretly want to be independent of a smothering overbearing relationship with your Mom?

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We, as humans, have two contending drives in life—living and dying. When we embark on a new chapter in our life, change can be overbearing and make us feel as though we can't cope. Thus, we dream of death. It acts as a safety valve for all the internal pressure we feel in our waking hours. Dreams keep us sane. Although a typical death dream is disturbing, when we closely sort through the changes in our life and possible hidden resentments, then the death dream makes sense.


Dreams of death lay to rest the past and usher in the future. These dreams reflect a natural progression to the next step in our lives. They signal a rite to passage, and not the scary harbinger of death. When we outgrow our actions, relationships with others, and look into hidden feelings within ourselves and others, then the dream of death will lose its grip of terror that holds us bondage to stagnation. 


When you dream of your death or someone else’s, the message is clear. What change is needed in my life to make me a happier person? Mystically speaking, some dreams of death are of a prophetic nature. Communicating with the deceased has been accurately reported as well. I don't deny these occurrences as I've had these dreams myself. The dream of death can forewarn of things to come. The dreamer has no control over these precognitive and psychic experiences when sleeping. Why does it happen? No one really knows.


Overall, the meaning of a death dream is a useful message. Don't be afraid of dreams. Embrace them, they lead us in the right direction and keep us on course, and act as a forecast of what is needed in our lives for change.  


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By Aries, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 03:42:08 PM
I hate it when I die in my dreams, doesn't scare me, it happens so often that it has become an annoyance. When I die in a dream, everything just slows down and I fall to the ground, and wake up. Strange no?
By lisa, Tuesday, July 01, 2008 01:05:05 PM
Hi, I usually remember my dreams, and I often dream of being somewhere where someone has just been murdered. I would say about 60% of the time I do not feel frightened, at least when I wake up I don't always have that "spooked" feeling. So I share my dreams with friends and family (who naturally can not remember their dreams)! But look at me as if I'm embellishing, maybe because I'm not always frightened when sharing my "murder dreams". Did I mention I can not watch scary movies! Do you know what this is this about? Thank you for your time. Lisa
By LINDA, Saturday, June 28, 2008 06:13:38 PM
Hello.. I have dreams before someone dies I always think it means something else or i try to just think it was just a dream but it always happens that the person dies I told my daughter i dreamed her father was going to die she was really upset with me,a month and half later he died so i try not to say anything to anyone for fear of upsetting someone.I have even had this happen with strangers and somehow it comes to me to let me know that it happened.
By Beth, Sunday, June 15, 2008 03:56:06 PM
HI, I had this dream I died. But it was awsome and the most peaceful feeling I have ever had. At the same time I was crying and sadden because of my grand daughter was so sad and needed me. I wanted to go back but they were saying it was to late and then we moved on so someone else could say good bye to their loved ones. Why and what does this mean?
By Debra, Saturday, June 14, 2008 04:45:52 PM
Four years ago I was critically ill on a ventalator in Intensive Care and in a coma for 8 days. I don't remember anything from that time except a dream of what I thought was hell. I believed it was hell because of the feeling of terror at the time. Sometime during the coma my deceased mother, grandmother, and maternal uncle came to me; and they told me to stop I had to stay here; I had more things to do here. These people had the most influence in my life; and I loved them, and repected them. Even though I had the dream of my family with a loving positive message; I was terrified with the thought that I had seen hell. I spoke to many priets about this experience; and none them gave me the sense of peace that I found from Sylvia's books and conferences. God Bless, Debbie C

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