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Is Your Lover Cheating? The Meaning of Cheating Dreams
Is Your Spouse Cheating? Dreams, interpreting your bad dreams, learn what they mean!  Find out now FREE! The meaning of cheating dreams are often inquired about since they are so common. Many people experience these troubling dreams and then feel that they are prophetic or psychic in some nature. Many people even go so far as to accuse their lover or spouse of cheating in real life.

The upshot is that sometimes these dreams are valid and sometimes they are not. The subconscious may absolutely be picking up on an infidelity that your conscious mind has been trying to repress. This is why it is so concerning if you do have a dream about cheating. Your conscious mind may have detected subtle body language or noticed a partner looking more fit or well dressed. Your mind may ignore this as nothing during the day, but during the night the subconscious lets loose the fears of being left by another.

For the most part, cheating dreams can mean that you fear cheating. These dreams do not necessarily mean that you are psychic. It is most likely that the dream is caused by guilt, anxiety or insecurity. In fact, it is very often the cheater that has a dream about the person that he or she cheated on being unfaithful. This is a transference of guilt. A dream of cheating can also reveal deep-seated anxiety in general, doubts about your own attractiveness or just feeling anxious about the future of a relationship in general.

Many people who are separated by distance from a lover dream of them cheating. The same often happens of people who have long distance relationships, online relationships, or who have been cohabitating together with the expectation of a marriage that never seems to happen.

Dreaming that you are cheating on someone can also mean that you feel guilt about other things in your life. Sometimes these guilty feelings have nothing to do with what is going on in your relationship. You could have done something not that morally sound in another area of your life, such as shoplift or cut corners at work and the subconscious mind makes you feel as if you should be punished. The result is that you are given a dream that tortures you with doubt about what you care most about in your life which is your relationship.

Most dreams about cheating just simply symbolize fear and not even fear about the relationship. These dreams come hand in hand with real life fears such as fear of public speaking, fear of failing a test or being humiliated in public. This is because being cheated on in public feels similar emotionally as other kinds of behaviors.

So before making accusations about a lover, make sure the dream is not really more about a fear that has something to do with your personal life or even your own cheating behavior. As is true of all dreams like this, it is important to investigate yourself.

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By BRUNELDA, Thursday, August 14, 2014 04:35:51 PM
Probably all this testimony you read about spell casting online are spam right?And yeah some are spam some think all of them are spam which is totally not bad and i also know some believe spell casting really works but have not been able to find the right one. Well i think i found the right spell caster Metodo. I know he is real not cos he helped me but because i was there in his temple i Have seen him and his temple and i tell you it can't get more really that what am writing now. I know you may want to know why and what lead me to contact a spell caster i am a south African woman here in south African as a matter of fact in Africa having a male child is like the most important thing in a marriage and it turned out that i am married to a very traditional man as in a he believes the male child carry the family name on and on but the females get married and change there name which is true. I were married for six years and i had no male child for him .Maybe friends and family filled his head with a lot of things like i don't have a male child for him and as a result he need to get a divorce and get another wife that can bear him a male child. I always thought the people that filled his head with this ideas where is family and friends the people that i smile and dine with. The very people who ought to have advice him rightly. I never found out if they where involved in wanting to ruin life and my marriage. Not because i could not find out but cost i didn't want to develop hatred for them cos i will always get to see them and it is not really healthy seeing the faces of people you hate. At that time, i mean before i knew my husband got himself a lover i was paranoid about him having a lover cos our lives changed a lot he starting coming home late he wouldn't touch me any more and even he started avoiding me in our home making up excuses to stay all day in his study room doing nothing and telling me his need something off to clear his head. We had fights all the time i brought up the matter if he was see someone else. Maybe he got tired of lying i don't know he finally asked for a divorce. A divorce my family saw him through his university and got him a got job i told myself and now he's asking me for a divorce cos i don't a male child yet for him. He was ready to let go of his three beautiful daughters he asked that i take them along. Maybe he was a real f**l and didn't know what he had and maybe he didn't deserve someone like me but one thing was crystal clear to me i was still in love with him and i wanted a complete family for my kid that and the fact that i raised him from the gutter i didn't care about any of his problem when i married him and i forgot to say my father never approved our marriage but still i jumped into it thinking we are going to have each other forever. Though we are still together now but its cos of the spell i had metodo cast on him to make him see how much he needs me in this life. When i contacted metodo he asked that i get the materials for the spell which i did and delivered the materials to him in person that is to say i came in contact with him. I was to return in to his temple in 7 seven day and within those seven day he gave me a blessed a red candle asking that i command and say whatever i wanted every night within those seven days which i did on the seventh day when i returned to metodo temple he gave a harmless powerful substance with instruction on how to use it. This might seem like fiction or lie or what ever you lucky reads may think but deep down you know it true you just looking for a way not to get involved. I ve got my husband back and my family life couldn't be better thanks to the spell though i don't have a male child for him at least his them lover bore him one. contact him with his email if you want his help metodoacamufortress @ yahoo. com
By Lyev, Tuesday, July 29, 2014 04:17:57 PM
Being attracted to the same sex in countries like USA,UK Canada is really easily as i have heard.There are still people there who don't like people like us but it not as bad as that of Russia cos here we are beaten jailed and sometimes even killed.You can't hold the hand of the one you care about in the public so as to avoid been harassed we can even set a place to me cos if we are caught we face jail time.Here in Russia we gay are prisoner in our own country.I am currently in a relation with my fiance and we had to leave Russia to be together.Before now his parent were against our relationship cos they had no idea he was gay we sneaked around knowing the risks if we were to be caught.When he finally got heart to tell him family the rejected him and asked he stops seeing me or they were going to turn him in and that scared him a lot his father is a very powerful man in Russia and he made it possible for him not to be able to live the country i mean as long as you have money in Russia anything goes.I was lucky they never got to meet me cos if they did i would have not been here right now writing this article that you are all reading.Probably i would have been in jail.Months passed and there was no way we could see each other cos they had him watched to make sure he is never get to meet me and also to know the person the was he was practicing this profane act with as they called it.They stripped him of all his right to the family assets and made him an outcast i could see he was suffering form the text he was sending me they made his life miserable and made him end our relationship.I knew he was confused and did know what to do to get his life back to make his family see him the way they use to.And i knew that his family were never going to accept his life style cos they are so anti gay.If they were to be a fund riser to fight gay practice in Russia his family will be the first to ask that they host it.I love him so much but he was scared of him family and they also had a grip on him.I know most person don't believe in what about to say but still if it wasn't for Mutton Osun a spell caster that i found on the internet i would not have been writing this.It happened maybe by a slim chance or fate that i was a blog were it happened that i read three distinct comment about how he help them with similar problem.I contacted him with an email address that was in the comment.I asked Mutton Osun to cast a spell to make my then boyfriend to make up his mind to run away from Russia with me to be together and also his family as in his father to make it possible for him to leave Russia with me and set a very comfortable life for us were we were going.And i know doing spells with someone you can't even see is outrageous but i promise you he makes you feel more at else when he calls and he really goes through with his promise cos he did with mine he was really helpful to him and kind.And like other people said he doesn't even charge you for what he is doing for you.I had to provide some list of materials that he asked that i get for my spell casting.I preferred that i sent the money down to him cos they were not easy to find and even when i found them it was so expensive but he could get them cheaply.He instructed me on how to make the spell work with great effect.It took 7 seven day and night to see it result.On the seventh night my boyfriend call me to tell me we could finally be together cos his father did agreed to do all i asked mutton osun to make him do i just knew at once it was Mutton Osun spell cos it what i asked for and now me and fiance are the happiest right now we can hold hand now without fear of being harassed or sent to jail for we are in love and we are very comfortable here.His father made sure everything was set before we even got here just like i asked it should be.Am going to also leave Mutton Osun email here just like others have done for contact purpose
By Emma, Thursday, July 10, 2014 04:01:34 PM
I saw a testimony of Nadezhda Vyacheslav on how she got that guy to love her as she did him.Though i don't know her, i believed her cos she said Mutton Osun a spell caster help her seen it happen. I didn't believe her cos she used a spell i believed her cos she made mention of a mutual spell caster i know of that is mutton Osun. I have also see a lot of testimony about his work on the the internet on blog pages and so on. I literally took a lip of faith to contact him and it turn out that it paid off. In my own case i didn't ask that him to make anyone fall in love with me or ask that my cheating wife comes back. This time i was at fault i messed up.Will really like to say it was an honest mistake or a few hours or days of weakness but then i will be insulting my wife and the love i feel for her. I was in full control of what i was doing i had the choice not to cheat but i still did. She didn't find out by herself i told hoping if i told her how sorry i am and how much i still love and want to be with her despite my betray she will forgive completely. It was the biggest mistake of my life maybe i should not have told her, i guess she would have still found out if she didn't catch me then i bet the other lady would have told her what was going on to destroy what me and my wife had. It was obvious my betray really hurt her i could she it in her eye and i was really sorry. That is why i wasn't so surprise when she asked that we go our separate ways. There and then i realized that i was following the part that ruined my life and my family. I literally lead four month of my life in misery. I have never felt like i needed her like i had felt begging was not an option nothing was an option cos she was gone. It was right about that time Mutton Osun came into the picture or when i asked that he help me get my wife to love as she did before. I was able to provide the items he asked that i get for the spell and send then down to him. Like Nadezhda Vyacheslav said "the spell does become effective at once that " she was right also cos just after i did what Mutton Osun asked me to do with what he sent me, it took 7 days before anything happened i even thought for a minute that i had met a fake spell caster but in the end i am happy with my wife again. We going to be renewing our vows on the 20th of September. I was on the edge of become a walking dead a woman with nothing to live for thank my star Mutton Osun helped. I will also leave his contact for those who thing he can help them { }
By best, Friday, May 16, 2014 03:49:33 AM
"I was a little bit skeptical in the beginning and the reason is we've tried different marriage counselors already and spell caster and I've already read numerous other books on the subject. There wasn't anything I could seem to do. However after using Dr. Stanley spell and following the instruction he gave me, I have been seeing significant results with my marriage situation. And I'm a whole lot happier in my self. My friends and family are very glad to see that I'm back to my husband again! All thanks to" --Walsh, Seattle
By Sheena, Monday, September 28, 2009 07:46:55 PM
i recently had about 3-4 dreams of my boyfriend cheating on me we've been together for 7 years i havent had them for about a month now but the other day he confessed to cheating on me for the past month i dont know if it was a warning but it's funny
By stephanie, Thursday, September 11, 2008 11:34:55 AM
i think all guys cheat. if it is in their face they will do it..
By AusQtie, Monday, August 18, 2008 05:47:04 PM
A friend of mine was telling me she had a dream about where she was at her boyfriend billy's & all of sudden they hear a car outside & billy gets up & says annie's (his ex-wife who recently passed away) home. He was all excited that his "baby" was home. She comes in & it was like my friend wasn't even there. She wasn't mean or rude or anything. It was literally like my friend was invisible. She ended up leaving. Billy followed her out & she told him she couldn't share him and then woke up sad.
By Green, Monday, August 18, 2008 06:45:59 AM
No need to interpret the dream below. I actually found out what it meant. My boyfriend told me yesterday that one of his neighbours has been trying to mildly seduce him. She has been coming to his room with her underwear partly showing or wearing things that would show of parts of her body. Because I don't go over to his house often, I am guessing she thinks he is not attached. Well she is about to find out about me...
By Green, Saturday, August 16, 2008 08:52:18 AM
The other night, I had a dream about a lady who was very interested in my boyfriend. Me, my boyfriend and the lady were sitting together talking. In the dream my boyfriend had told me the lady was interested in him. The lady didn't know that I knew about it. She was trying to make advance at my boyfriend behind my back. By the end of the dream, I couldn't hold my anger back and was shouting at the lady and telling her to go find a man of her own. I have no clue what this dream means. Any help would be appreciated.
By Aries, Monday, August 04, 2008 07:34:13 PM
Ah, my mistake then. Been there a few times. My friend goes by his last name Lamont, and I keep calling him Belmont, as in the Castlevania characters.

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