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Dreaming of Snakes
Dreaming about Snakes Dreams, interpreting your bad dreams, learn what they mean!  Find out now FREE!

The snake is one of the oldest symbols found in some of the most ancient scriptures. Throughout history, snakes have been used as phallic symbols, and have long been linked to pagan fertility gods. The snake is an emblem of the nurturing earth and also the unknown perils of the underworld.


I, myself, have dreamt of snakes and snake bites and I took this to mean an enemy would be up to no good. Although I think I'm loveable, evidently there are those who wish to put the whammy on me. And wouldn't you know it—bingo! Someone was giving me a difficult time in business and after that I no longer considered that person so friendly.


Depending on who, or whom, and what other host of characters are in your dream of snakes, the meanings of these dreams will vary. But know this, I believe, it isn't a good sign no matter what the scenario. Bad health, loss of money, betrayal, sickness, surrounded by enemies, anything and everything that means trouble can be attributed to a snake dream.

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Let’s look to Christian imagery, which emphasizes the dark side of this symbol, where it’s considered evil as a "snake in the grass." A snake can represent hidden fears, worries and poisonous words. Anything bad can and will be attributed to that creepy, crawly reptile.


Now, if you want to get mystical about the positive interpretations of the snake, let's do. God created the serpent to teach man and woman right from wrong. Then, there were the Ancient Greeks, who believed the snake had extraordinary healing powers, remember those entwined snakes that appear as the medical profession symbol.


Indian Kundalini yoga finds value in the snake too. It represents the life force that rises up your spinal cord. In the Talmud, snakes represent riches and wealth. To kill one meant loss of all your worldly possessions. In a dream, if a snake sheds its’ skin, metaphorically so do we. Rebirth, regeneration, and symbolism renewal are represented here. The good and the bad seem to go hand and hand with the snake dream.


Personally, I don't look at it from the mystical standpoint. But I'm sure some dreams aren't all doom and gloom when the serpent slithers into your subconscious. Like all symbolism, they appear for a reason and that is to put us in touch with our emotions, subconscious stresses, fears, and to foretell future events.


So the next time you dream of a snake, consider that it might be a bad omen, such as sickness, enemies and foreboding messages from slumber land. My suggestion:  Don't become over-the-top stressed out. Take it in stride, smile and tell yourself, "At least I won't end up as someone's shoes or pocketbook. That snake will get it in the end. And I'll forget about that bad dream by lunchtime.” 


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By Green, Wednesday, July 30, 2008 07:08:55 AM
Melvin, I do not think snakes are totally bad signs. Some dreams about snakes have positive meaning to it. In some cultures dreaming of snakes is related to fertility. Like I mentioned earlier. Before I found out I was pregnant with my first child, I dreamt I was bitten by snake.
By Melvin, Wednesday, July 30, 2008 02:38:03 AM
This what freud said about it: "You entirely disregard the apparent connections between the elements in the manifest dream and collect the ideas that occur to you in connection with each separate element of the dream by free association according to the psychoanalytic rule of procedure. From this material you arrive at the latent dream-thoughts, just as you arrived at the patient's hidden complexes from his associations to his symptoms and memories...The true meaning of the dream, which has now replaced the manifest content, is always clearly intelligible."
By Dartz, Monday, July 21, 2008 04:29:46 PM
@Green. I take a lot of initiative on my dreams. Though, I have a pretty bad dream memory, so when it hits the fan, I just say "Oh yeah, my dream." but usually too late to deal with the issue at hand. Sucks doesn't it?
By Melvin, Sunday, July 20, 2008 03:30:54 AM
Snakes are bad signs right. It signifies a bad omen to the society. But well you can always have a different perspective about this. I never had dreams about snakes but my dad used to have one before and he said that dream is really terrible.
By Green, Monday, July 14, 2008 07:17:27 PM
Dartz, that is interesting. I assume you are a man so snake dreams must have a different meaning for men. Since you already know the meaning of your snake dreams, I would say it is a good thing because everytime you have them you would know that something is up and would take the necessary steps needed.
By Dartz, Sunday, July 13, 2008 01:17:09 PM
Snakes are a bad omen for me, every time I dream about them, I either get caught up with my enemies, or I spend the day finding out the plot and foiling it. Dunno what people have against me though.
By Green, Friday, July 11, 2008 07:38:04 AM
I've had snake dreams before and they were always related to fertility. One time I dreamt of a snake but it kept running away from me. I found out I was pregnant a few days after but lost the baby. Another time I dreamt a snake bit me. I got pregnant again and had a baby who is 3 now
By Aries, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 08:47:35 PM
I've yet to dream about snakes, and I have quite a lot of enemies for one reason or another.

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