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Home >> Feng Shui >> Feng Shui Articles

Love Is In The Air...But Not In Your Bedroom?
Feng Shui in your Bedroom Love Feng Shui, feng shui for love, romance and marriage!  How to use Feng Shui in marriage.

If you're looking for love, start with Feng Shui in the bedroom. You don't need Feng Shui workshops or Feng Shui consultations to learn Feng Shui. These Feng Shui tips will energize your love life and make you a master at bedroom Feng Shui.


First of all, let us look for the ghosts of lovers past. What have you got in your love nest that reminds you of the past and hurts your love life? Do you have any old clothes, photos, or gifts that remind you of when you were together?


Now, let's start with the bed. Learn Feng Shui and use these simple techniques to incorporate the magic of Feng Shui in the bedroom. New sheets in Feng Shui bedroom colors like peachy, pink, or floral prints will activate the energy of attraction. Think soft pastel colors, so you don't stay awake all night.

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If you are really serious about Feng Shui living, think about your mattress. How much energy is in that from the days gone by? Check under the bed "not for old lovers" for boxes. Boxes keep the energy in the room from moving. What you need to realize is that everything has energy and it will send off a vibe that can and will affect you on some level. Bedroom Feng Shui encourages you to clean out the old to receive the new. Improving your energy level will improve your love life.

One bedroom Feng Shui secret is to leave an empty drawer so the universe can fill it with that special someone's things. Another secret is to look at your walls. Do you have pictures of loving, happy couples? Every photo and painting has a message and this is your bedroom. These are the last things you see before you go to sleep and create your dreams. Remove any negative images or pictures of single people from your bedroom. This is bedroom magic and it is your intention to fill it with love.


So, no TV, computer, or cell phone unless you are looking to have relationships with those devices instead of a sensuous relationship with your soul mate. Your bedroom is your haven for sensual delights! Apply Feng Shui living and add great smells, good lighting, flowers, incense, and other things that get us in the mood for comfort and pleasure.


As a final Feng Shui tip, place two red candles in a SAFE place. Light the candles with the intention of making your wishes come true for passion in your life. Say a prayer and ask that you remove the obstacles from your mind and heart so that true love can blaze again turning into the embers of forever!

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By Green, Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:14:47 AM
I am really going to take your advice in trying to feng shui my bedroom. I didn't think about the pictures on the wall so I am going to replace the ones that are currently in my bedroom with more romantic pictures. Maybe I would need to change the mattress as well because I've had it for a while now. I also head that it is bad for love to have a mirror directly opposite the bed.
By Laura, Monday, June 16, 2008 02:15:01 PM
You know I have to agree that this article has some very good information in it. Feng Shui is a very good way of learning how to get the most energy out of your surroundings. Yes God is with us all the time and he does answer prayers. But unsure what your point in bringing that out was.
By carla, Saturday, June 07, 2008 10:33:35 AM
sylvia browne says your soulmate is on the otherside. your kindred souls is on this side. you have that switched that around dr. patricia bell.they say flowers in your bedroom is very is a candle hlps release are your wishes and dreams to the universe. god helps us. god listens to our prayers. there is energy when we light candles. different color candles mean different things. candles attract our departed ones and other spirt energy. god is with us every where. read sylvia browne [candles] to help book s explain a lot of stuff.
By Beverly, Friday, June 06, 2008 09:58:31 PM
I'll sure try it! Thanks! Beverly
By Debra, Tuesday, May 20, 2008 04:32:49 PM
This is a good article; I hope that there will be more information about Feng Shui especially about the home and belongings. Thanks, Debbie from FL
By adriana, Friday, May 16, 2008 01:02:39 PM
i think that this is a great informational article!! thanks

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