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Sylvia Browne Web Class Tonight
Sylvia Browne Web Class Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

by Sylvia Browne

By now, I hope all of you reading this blog participated in at least one of my Web Classes in 2008 on I have so enjoyed our times together as we have talked about different spiritual subjects. And with so much going on in the world today, I know that you’ll want to join me for this for my first Web Class of 2009 this Wednesday, January 28th.

2008 brought so many breakthroughs, innovations, joys, and also many unfortunate challenges. Wouldn’t it be ideal to have a "road map" to guide you through the year ahead? I’ll my thoughts on 2009 and also the opportunity for a new beginning. Every New Year offers us the chance to start fresh and anew at life.

If you haven't done so yet, click here to register for my January 28th Web Class. Invite your family and friends to join us for this special event as well. This Web Class will help you plan for 2009 and set the course for the coming year. Gather your loved ones and watch this Web Class to prepare for 2009 together. Access the Web Class beginning at 8:30pm ET by visiting the home page of and clicking on the button to enter. We will start promptly at 9:00pm ET, 8:00pm CT, 7:00pm MT, and 6:00pm PT.

And don't forget that I will pick one lucky viewer for a FREE psychic phone reading with me and will also answer more of your questions than ever before.

I hope you’ll be with me on Wednesday night for this special event. Again, I wish you great happiness, health, wealth and success in all that you do in 2009.

Love Always,

Sylvia Browne

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.


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By racheal, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 09:00:05 PM
Hi Sylvia me and my mum watch you always on montel though they are re runs from year ago as we're in Australia. We always wanted to find out how to chat with you and find out a few things. I would like to understand why I dream of future event and if I'm in the right career. Also what is my spirit guides name because I hear someone call my name late at night. Also me and my mum have been told that we use each others energy is this true? Thanks your my idol. Racheal King
By jamie, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 08:58:45 PM
Dear Sylvia, Iam origanly from always heard my mom talking about you as I grew up.I always wanted to meet you. but I have not been able to. So when you appered on Montel. Iwas so happy.I watched all the shows you appered on.Watching you and listing to you,gave me alot of insight into myself. So think you for bringing so much happiness to my life. sincerly yours, mommadale From AL :
By MARION, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 08:56:41 PM
By debbie, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 08:45:22 PM
Hello Sylvia, I first saw you on the Montel Show and was very taken by you!May 2007 was not a good time in my life I lost my soul mate and have not been able to move on! The police say it was an accident bur I know deep down in my heart someone took my husband my world ,my life away that Sat. night 05/19/2007.I actually felt him dying.Could I please find out the truth? Thank You Always An Admire Debbie Banks from Annapolis,Md
By debbie, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 08:38:14 PM
By Mary, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 08:36:25 PM
dear Ms Sylvia, Congratulations on your up comming Feb 14th union. may you and you future partner be very happy. Mary Hartman
By linda, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 08:27:31 PM
hello syliva, my name is linda gay, the 15th of my husbands last day where he works do to cutbacks so they say will we be moving soon we are looking to move out from where we live,he turned 62 and they have goten someone yungerto do his job. thank you linda. my email is lindabrat1232 YAHOO.COM
By Brenda, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 08:25:28 PM
I hope you are feeling well Sylvia. May your body and spirit be blessed with strength and held by love. thankyou for all you do, Brenda
By Mary, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 08:22:54 PM
Hi Sylvia. You have opened my eyes to a whole new way of viewing the world and my life. You give me a great amount of hope and you're teachings and spirtuality have made that "click" in my life. That "A-ha" moment! I feel very fortunate to have received one of your books from a friend many years ago because I believe that book and the many you write have great positive effects on my life and changed them for the better. You are truly a blessing. Much Love always, Mary. (Welland, ON,Canada)
By marilyn, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 07:46:34 PM
hi guys just read your stories and concerns and to the lady whos child has the birthmark under his arm a lot of american indians are incarnating now to help azna as are many being called to help for the greater good of the mothers devine plan . care for your family ask for protection from mother and father god pray for the good of a people a nation ask blessings for friends ask god bless us all. ask to be surrounded in the white light of the holy spirit..were loved youll see god azna is mar

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