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Sylvia Browne 2013 Predictions
Sylvia Browne predictions for 2010, 2011, and beyond. Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures by Sylvia Browne

The question I am asked the most on a daily basis is, "Sylvia, what are your predictions for 2010, 2011, 2012 and beyond?"

I predict so many new and interesting things are coming for us within the next two years. Some are positive changes that will affect the world at large. Others are changes that may affect only a certain group of people and will improve their lives. Here are my Sylvia Browne predictions!

Around 2009 to 2012, I predict Americans will start working on what I like to call our "buts." There are problems that we are aware of that make the global community smaller. We have liked to say, "Our system works"..but...


...Children are not properly fed, clothed, educated, protected or given adequate medical care.


...Many in our population do not have a place to call home.


...Some of our youth get more attention from gangs and drug dealers than they do positive role models.


...People who are ready, willing and able to work cannot find decent jobs.


...Our elderly are not cared for properly either financially or medically.


...Some death row inmates are innocent.


...Some elected officials and large corporations do not think of the welfare of the people as a high priority - they'd rather just increase their bank accounts.


I predict we'll develop strong resolve and resources to address these problems and come up with some good solutions.

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More of my Sylvia Browne predictions...


I predict a great rise in skin cancer in children until 2010. There is a lot of media coverage about the UV rays and many products to protect people against them. But people are still often careless when it comes to the sun. Then again, people could pay attention - and reverse this prediction right out from under me. I would certainly be all for that!


I predict the President elected sometime between 2008 and 2020 will die in office from a heart attack. The Vice President who will finish their term will have an unpopular and mistaken intention to declare war on North Korea. By that time, North Korea will have weapons of mass destruction. In the middle of efforts to declare war, I predict the Vice President will be assassinated.


There will be a worldwide investigation into the Vice President's death with both pleasant and unpleasant surprises. A lot of attention will be paid to one of the investigative congressional committees and serious accusations will be made regarding missing funds. Finally, it will be revealed that their accusations are part of a conspiracy to damage the American people's faith in their government, with the media manipulated to "fan the flames," and the committee will be vindicated in the end.

I predict we can truly say "goodbye" to the common cold in 2009 or 2010. The solution to the common cold involves heat. Keep in mind that the body's first response when we develop a cold is to come down with a fever. Many doctors today no longer rush to push patients to take temperature reducing medications when they come down with a fever, unless the fever is dangerous. They feel the immune system is the patient's best medicine and should be given a chance to fight back. So as the immune system fights a cold with heat, the cure for the common cold certainly may lie in this first signal to heal.


I predict that a small cubicle will become available in doctor's offices sometime in 2009 and it will be heated to a very precise temperature. There may be a special vapor placed into the cubicle. Patients will stand in the cubicle for approximately five minutes and the rhinitis germ will be destroyed.


Another wonderful bit of good news on the health front with this discovery - since this cubicle can easily take on the rhinitis germ, many people that have breathing problems with allergies and asthma complications will find some breakthroughs as well. We will see this cubicle discovery used for healing for those with breathing disorders. The cubicle will become available in 2009 or 2010.


I predict hypnotic past-life regression will become available through a group of trained psychologists on both the east and west coasts of the U.S.A. in 2009. It will prove to be quite a success and will be widely practiced by 2011.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By stephen, Monday, May 31, 2010 11:02:49 PM
@John, First, being a skeptic shows that you know very little on this topic. You could've had a mother from a past life that was coming in for Sylvia. And since you lied to her, your intentional deception likely confused the reading for Sylvia. Honest people tend to think of others as honest. I assume she thought so of you and did her best with the reading from the information that you gave her. Theres no doubt that she was receiving your 94 yr old mother from this life and struggled to reconcile the confusion imho. Its too bad that you didn't ask her something that truely wanted to know about, were you scared?! You could have been enlightened from what she had to tell you. The fact that you lied to her just tells everyone that you are a skeptical and distrustful person to begin with. Maybe you wanted to hear misinformation and then again, maybe she knew that and gave you what you wanted.
By John, Thursday, May 27, 2010 03:05:28 PM
As I was working as a cashier in 1998 Sylvia Brown came in as a customer. It was not busy at all at that moment. I had been praying to be the one of the Montel TV audience people who was going to have a reading as mentioned on Montel one episode prior to that day. Curiously, before that episode I had been yelling at the TV for a TV audience member to get a chance for a reading. I had a store security camera on me so I rang up her purchase as she told me answers to specific questions that I had prayed for her to answer, as was the instructions on the episode she mentioned she would soon read for a TV audience member. She was dead on about a few issues I had no possible way of having a clue about so that she could not have figured anything out by overhearing anything. That would have been impossible. She said don't trust Amy. I had not yet at the time met Amy. When I did encounter Amy that was a very nasty unpleasant experience indeed. She said my Mother would get involved with a violinist. Once my step father died couple years later guess what? My Mom met and later married a professional violin player. Been two years now. Sylvia gave details about a future house fire and even though I had a heads up from her an arson occurred with paint thinner just as she warned not to leave any in the house. A fix up project house. She also warned not to trust a Steve. Guess what? A new person named Steve came into our lives as a co-worker and he almost caused my husband (I am on his SpiritNow account as I post this) to come close to being fired from a Heaven Sent position in an important industry that is strict on safety procedures. People at the other location were calling for the wrong man's neck to be chopped off. People at my husband's location knew (but couldn't prove) Steve covered a mistake and tried to pass it off as my husbands mistake. First day on the job everyone is warned if you hide a mistake you will be fired. My husband's job was salvaged by his supervisors and upper management at that location because they regard his work as superior for his experience. He lost three weeks pay due to a suspension he did not deserve. It took years for her predictions to slowly one by one come about. All I can say is that a bad egg person might confound Sylvia and trick her into giving a false reading but she proved to be the real deal for me. I didn't get a recorded tape of that reading because it was free and inconvenient at that moment anyways. On Montel she provided the TV audience member reading on camera again only it was not the full reading but a short one about My Step Mother needing to let go of her aged Mother. Her Mother's subsequent death was the beginning of my readings coming to pass. I believe I just finished encountering the last bump that I can remember her warning me about. Sylvia - My aunt is being just the word you used. You didn't save me from experiencing anything but you kept my "Faith" alive. I realize I must do what is right for me like you said.
By Josh, Friday, May 21, 2010 08:24:26 PM
Fact is Sylvia Browne is one of the greatest frauds of the 21st century. Let me tell you an experience my wife and i had on The Montel Show when Sylvia was a guest. In 2006 while vacationing in New York my wife obtained tickets to see The Montel Show. Sylvia Browne happened to be the guest and my wife was excited about it. I, personally, had NO interest in seeing a taping of The Montel Show especially with Sylvia Browne being the guest. Anyhow, when everybody was ushered into the studio people murmured about what they'd hope to ask Sylvia,etc., and eventually the director of the show comes on stage to "warm" up the audience and give a synopsis of what the shows' topics would be about. Okay! It's show time! The lights are bumped up, music plays, applause signs flash, and out comes Montel. Montel rambles on.... yada, yada, yada.... then it's, "And now lady's and gentleman here's Sylvia Browne!" Cheers and applause (except by me) Sylvia plants her large rump in a chair close to montel on stage and tey both ramble on with the usual nonsense. Now here's the GREAT part: when it was time for audience members to ask questions I was picked to ask Sylvia one. Except I decided to throw Sylvia a trick question. Here's how it goes: I say, "Sylvia, it's a pleasure to meet you." Sylvia replies: "It's so nice that you could be here." I then ask Sylvia, "Sylvia, my mother died 13 years ago. Is she still around me?" Sylvia replies, "O yes honey." In fact she's standing right beside you." "She has gray hair and is petite with a round apple shaped face." I then ask Sylvia, "Sylvia, my father has been diagnosed with liver cancer, how long do you think he'll survive?" "The doctors said he'd be gone in two months." Sylvia says," You father doesn't have liver cancer." "He has leukemia." GUESS WHAT FOLKS!..... MY MOTHER IS STILL ALIVE AND DOING PRETTY WELL! SHE IS 94 YEARS OLD, SHE'S NOT A PETITE WOMAN, NOR DOES SHE HAVE AN APPLE SHAPED FACE LIKE SYLVIA CLAIMED! MY FATHER HAS BEEN DEAD FOR 18 YEARS NOW AND DIED OF COMPLICATIONS FROM A STROKE! GREAT GOIN SYLVIA! LYING BITCH! My wife was holding back tears on camera because she now knew Sylvia was feeding us chickenshit bullshit on TV! When my wife and I returned home form NYC, I anticipated seeing ourselves on the Montel Show. Roughly a month later the episode aired, and guess what? The part where I was on camera asking Sylvia those questions NEVER AIRED! WTF? I thought. I pursued the matter by contacting the offices where the Montel Show is taped. I got a major run around.... Finally I was able to converse with a production coordinator and I explained to her as to why my appearance and questions that I asked Sylvia Browne on the air wasn't aired. Her reply, "Sir we're sorry for your disappointment, but it must have been due to time constraints and your camera appearance had to be edited out." Well that was that. I made one last attempt to contact Sylvia Browne's office in Campbell, California and I spoke to some rude lady by the name of Pam. I tried to be as refined in conversation as possible and explain my situation that I experienced on The Montel Show. And all Pam could say was that, "The Sylvia Browne Corporation has no affiliation with Montel Williams." I then told Pam that Sylvia lied to me and my wife on the air. There was dead silence on the line. Pam pretty much said that she knew nothing about it and that Sylvia would never deceive anybody. I told Pam that she's employed by a felonious villain. Then she hung up on me. Well, FUCK YOU SYLVIA BROWNE! You want to live high on the hog with your Mercedes Benzes, Jaguars, Lexus expensive jewlery clothes and houses around the world? Sylvia's no different than those filthy tele-evangelists. She belongs in jail and her mega stupid followers need brain transplants or a course in common sense. There IS NO such thing as the paranormal, psychics, God, the afterlife, devils, pixies, fairies, angeles or whatever else you want to call them. I call them ALL BULLSHIT! Viva James Randi and Dr. Michael Shermer for exposing those redolent pseudo-psychics!
By Josh, Friday, May 21, 2010 08:12:07 PM
Fact is Sylvia Browne is one of the greatest frauds of the 21st century. Let me tell you an experience my wife and i had on The Montel Show when Sylvia was a guest. In 2006 while vacationing in New York my wife obtained tickets to see The Montel Show. Sylvia Browne happened to be the guest and my wife was excited about it. I, personally, had NO interest in seeing a taping of The Montel Show especially with Sylvia Browne being the guest. Anyhow, when everybody was ushered into the studio people murmured about what they'd hope to ask Sylvia,etc., and eventually the director of the show comes on stage to "warm" up the audience and give a synopsis of what the shows' topics would be about. Okay! It's show time! The lights are bumped up, music plays, applause signs flash, and out comes Montel. Montel rambles on.... yada, yada, yada.... then it's, "And now lady's and gentleman here's Sylvia Browne!" Cheers and applause (except by me) Sylvia plants her large rump in a chair close to montel on stage and tey both ramble on with the usual nonsense. Now here's the GREAT part: when it was time for audience members to ask questions I was picked to ask Sylvia one. Except I decided to throw Sylvia a trick question. Here's how it goes: I say, "Sylvia, it's a pleasure to meet you." Sylvia replies: "It's so nice that you could be here." I then ask Sylvia, "Sylvia, my mother died 13 years ago. Is she still around me?" Sylvia replies, "O yes honey." In fact she's standing right beside you." "She has gray hair and is petite with a round apple shaped face." I then ask Sylvia, "Sylvia, my father has been diagnosed with liver cancer, how long do you think he'll survive?" "The doctors said he'd be gone in two months." Sylvia says," You father doesn't have liver cancer." "He has leukemia." GUESS WHAT FOLKS!..... MY MOTHER IS STILL ALIVE AND DOING PRETTY WELL! SHE IS 94 YEARS OLD, SHE'S NOT A PETITE WOMAN, NOR DOES SHE HAVE AN APPLE SHAPED FACE LIKE SYLVIA CLAIMED! MY FATHER HAS BEEN DEAD FOR 18 YEARS NOW AND DIED OF COMPLICATIONS FROM A STROKE! GREAT GOIN SYLVIA! LYING BITCH! My wife was holding back tears on camera because she now knew Sylvia was feeding us chickenshit bullshit on TV! When my wife and I returned home form NYC, I anticipated seeing ourselves on the Montel Show. Roughly a month later the episode aired, and guess what? The part where I was on camera asking Sylvia those questions NEVER AIRED! WTF? I thought. I pursued the matter by contacting the offices where the Montel Show is taped. I got a major run around.... Finally I was able to converse with a production coordinator and I explained to her as to why my appearance and questions that I asked Sylvia Browne on the air wasn't aired. Her reply, "Sir we're sorry for your disappointment, but it must have been due to time constraints and your camera appearance had to be edited out." Well that was that. I made one last attempt to contact Sylvia Browne's office in Campbell, California and I spoke to some rude lady by the name of Pam. I tried to be as refined in conversation as possible and explain my situation that I experienced on The Montel Show. And all Pam could say was that, "The Sylvia Browne Corporation has no affiliation with Montel Williams." I then told Pam that Sylvia lied to me and my wife on the air. There was dead silence on the line. Pam pretty much said that she knew nothing about it and that Sylvia would never deceive anybody. I told Pam that she's employed by a felonious villain. Then she hung up on me. Well, FUCK YOU SYLVIA BROWNE! You want to live high on the hog with your Mercedes Benzes, Jaguars, Lexus expensive jewlery clothes and houses around the world? Sylvia's no different than those filthy tele-evangelists. She belongs in jail and her mega stupid followers need brain transplants or a course in common sense. There IS NO such thing as the paranormal, psychics, God, the afterlife, devils, pixies, fairies, angeles or whatever else you want to call them. I call them ALL BULLSHIT! Viva James Randi and Dr. Michael Shermer for exposing those redolent pseudo-psychics!
By Janet, Wednesday, May 12, 2010 05:19:20 PM
I've only read two of Sylvia Brown's books. One was the End of Times. I don't know too much of the predictions she makes and plan to read more of her books because I really did enjoy The End of Times. She seems to be a very generous and smart person to go through all the research to share with the public. It may have been about what has already happened in the world but showing us things we've over looked or not thought enough of changes your point of view about life that provides some kind of piece. We may not have the actual proof in front of us but the sense she makes kind of validates a lot. The history of the world and it's consequences are the actual proof we need to see what's coming and what direction we need to go. I don't think she is a phony like others think she is because predictions are what can happen and when she gives a reading it is up to the client to let it happen or to change the course of it. Kind of like she is a guidance. She guides people to make the wright choices whether they do or not is not her fault. The object of helping the police department is to predict to prevent the predicted outcome in some cases so be thankful that not all come true. Instead of criticizing Sylvia it is our job to head her warnings and try to make the situation change if humanly possible. She doesn't predict what can happen so we can watch and let tragedy happen with dump struck abilities. With the right kind of guidance we have the ability to make this a better place for a long time. Be active and lose the negative attitude towards the one that is so generous with her knowledge. God gave her to us for a reason.
By Scott, Wednesday, March 31, 2010 07:55:34 PM
Karen, brilliantly expressed. Humans are prone to mistake. Though, from the perception of others judging the mistake, the one committing a 'mistake', may actually be the one aware of the mistake. Manipulation is a fine tool to get one's way. Unless we are aware of everything happening around us (something not many of us are capable of doing) some may fall prey to deception. As far as I can tell, the manipulator knows that only time and awareness will tell the truth. As for truth seekers, time and awareness are the only tools available. It's unfortunate that 'gut feelings' and 'instinct' only go so far.
By malcom, Monday, March 29, 2010 02:23:33 PM
Hi Karen. Sylvia duped investors out of thousands of dollars in a gold mining investment, transferring the money to the Nirvana Foundation for Psychic Research, her and her husbands company: ---------- March 9th, 1993 - She pled "no contest"... HERE IS THE CHARGE: "Prosecutors allege that the Browns -- doing business as DalSil Enterprises -- led investors to believe their money would be used to finance equipment and mine operations. In actuality they transferred the funds to accounts of the Nirvana Foundation for Psychic Research, a non-profit organization founded by the Browns in 1974, where the money was partly used to pay salaries of the Browns and other family members." As a result, she then filed for bankruptcy, protecting her from fines, etc. She has made a living as a fraud. You should see what her ex husband has to say about her...
By karen, Monday, March 29, 2010 04:45:11 AM
I was just wondering; is Malcom saying that filing Bankruptcy makes a person a convicted felon? Gosh i hope not. If she is a convicted felon, please be sure to state the fact you have found. Since everybody here likes to argue facts. And please be aware that even Nelson Mandela was considered a convicted felon in his country. Since, as people have said on this site, we are all human and therefore prone to mistakes i think it's most likely reasonable to assume that just because a person makes a mistake that doesnt make them horrible. Nor does it negate EVERYTHING they say or do. And yes i agree with the statement to "practice instead of preach". So, those of you who are kinda, let's face it, bitching a bit, perhaps you could instead go out and spend a day just doing things to help somebody else have a better day :). Dont' get me wrong. I do like to hear what everybody wants to say...and what information somebody may have. It's the best way to learn, dontcha think? My hope is that as humans we can become better as discussing things like this, or whatever the subject may be, without emo drama :-D. We have such amazing ways to communicate these days, the ability to obtain information and opinions is wonderful!
By william, Tuesday, March 23, 2010 11:53:09 AM
You predicted that Aliens will make thema selves known in the spring time .I think if this dose occur many minds will be freed up .What n moth will this take place?
By malcom, Monday, March 22, 2010 02:25:23 PM
I dont think of anyone who believes or respects Sylvia as an enemy. For the most part, she is harmless, unless someone really takes her predictions to heart and acts on them, only to find them fall apart. I do find it amusing that her supporters want her detractors (like me) to shut up and to stop pointing out her many many failed predictions and her lies (like graduating from SF University). What purpose does she serve if her predictions fail? What she says about the afterlife is just what she has read in books that have been around for decades. She isnt psychic or magical or anything. She is good at telling people what they want to hear. Those poor naive people on Montel seem so thankful when they hear her tell them about their missing loved ones. Only to find out that Sylvia was doing nothing more than cold reading and guessing. But hey, TO ALL WHO HAVE READ HER BOOKS, please direct me to a list of predictions she has made that came true. Not the fake clip that she admitted to when she was predicting the arrests of the original WTC bombers or predicting whether some celebrity will get pregnant, or watching the primaries then "predicting" who will win. But real, documented predictions that came true. ANYONE?!?!?!

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