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The Legend of Sylvia Browne
Who is Sylvia Browne Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

Sylvia Browne was born on October 19, 1936. Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium. Sylvia Browne's clients include celebrities and people from every walk of life. Some ask if Sylvia Browne is real, but Sylvia has also been called upon to assist the police (and the families of victims) with crimes, and doctors with troubling cases. Sylvia Browne is also a repeated best-selling author with more than thirty books published about spiritual and metaphysical topics.


Many tune in weekly to see Sylvia Browne appear on The Montel Williams Show. Her funny, warm and infectious style of delivering the psychic messages appeals to an audience of millions. Sylvia Browne is like the older sister you know and love, who just happens to truly know everythingand makes you laugh as she tells you the God honest truth. Both the television audience and viewers at home are frequently brought to tears and laughter by her thoughtful and healing psychic messages. Some of her most popular Montel Williams appearances have been her “yearly prediction” shows.


Sylvia Browne's predictions have stunned and amazed millions as she has accurately predicted world events, milestones for celebrities, and so much more. Browne also hosts a regular radio show on Hay House Radio, offering her sage advice about paranormal and psychic issues with an international audience.


Sylvia Browne was born in "the heart of the Bible Belt" (Kansas City, Missouri) and is the older of two daughters. Her psychic gifts developed quickly; at the tender age of three, she saw the deaths of both of her great-grandmothers. Sylvia Browne was simply terrified by this, but fortunately Sylvia had her Grandma Ada to turn to. Grandma Ada also had psychic abilities and understood her granddaughter even better than she could know. Grandma Ada explained to Sylvia Browne that she was a psychic medium and that God gave her these gifts to help people. At the time, Sylvia had responded that these gifts scared her, and that she didn't want them. Her Grandma Ada only smiled a knowing smile. Sylvia Browne developed a love for world religions at an early age, with a household that encompassed Jewish, Episcopalian, Catholic and Lutheran beliefs.


Sylvia Browne's psychic abilities continued to grow as she did. At seven years of age, Sylvia Browne met her Spirit Guide Francine. Francine said, "I come from God. I am here to guide and protect you, and you don't have to be afraid." While Sylvia was scared at first, after another talk with Grandma Ada, Sylvia Browne learned that Francine was a trusted companion, advisor and life-long friend. To this day, Sylvia Browne refers to Francine at many of her lectures, seminars and in her books.


As an adult, Sylvia Browne started a school to teach about spiritual subjects. Sylvia Browne is a trained hypnotist and a highly-skilled trance medium. In 1974, she started The Nirvana Foundation for Psychic Research, today it is known as The Sylvia Browne Corporation. Classes grew larger and larger and what started in her tiny living room soon moved to a storefront location.


In 1986, Sylvia Browne founded the Society of Novus Spiritus, a church located in Campbell, California. The Christian Gnostic beliefs include rejecting guilt, sin and retribution. It is a Gnostic Christian church. Sylvia Browne creates special materials used specifically for the church.


Sylvia Browne is continuing her legacy by working with her son, psychic Chris Dufresne. Chris now also offers private readings. Sylvia Browne's amazing psychic gifts appear also in Chris Dufresne's young daughter, Angeline. Sylvia Browne is still accessible to those that love her—as she continues to do private readings when so many at her level do not offer them.


Sylvia Browne is a best-selling author with more than thirty books published including If You Could See What I See, Lessons for Life, and Life on The Other Side. Her passion for research and enthusiasm for teaching spiritual subjects appeals to the millions that read and love Sylvia Browne's books. Many of her materials are available on audio CD.


Sylvia Browne has touched so many lives and truly transformed them with her predictions and spiritual teachings. Sylvia Browne gives lectures to sold-out audiences over and over.


Sylvia Browne is a popular media guest across the country, appearing often on television and radio programs. She is a frequent guest on Larry King Live and Coast to Coast AM.

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By crystal, Saturday, November 29, 2008 04:07:43 PM
Sylvia i wanted to say thankyou for the books you have out, there wonderful they have shown me a new outlook on so many different things. Currently i am reading your dream book. And i just have to know will i get any better with being able to interpreting my dreams ? Thankyou so much for taking the time to read this letter.
By Sherry, Wednesday, November 26, 2008 02:10:44 PM
Sylvia, I love everything about you!! I wish I had the ability to do what you do everyday for people. I have a question: Is my husband coming back to me in the near future? (or at all) He has a girlfriend and has told me he doesnt want a divorce and he is coming back to my kids and I in the near future.
By Cherie, Tuesday, November 11, 2008 04:50:12 PM
slyvia my mom has back problems and i was wondering if you have a way to help her or tell her how to get some help because shes in alot of pain
By Barbara, Sunday, November 09, 2008 11:31:03 AM
Sylvia,I must be missing you and the 3 e-mails i have sent to you.I need to know please,what the name of my guide.Love you a lot ,never met you but feel i know you greatly .I was born 05/16/1942I hope you get this so that i can put this question to rest,thank you.Barbaraps. i have dreams about you,whats this????
By Colleen, Thursday, October 30, 2008 12:46:01 PM
Dear Sylvia, Happy belated birthday!! It was not until five minutes ago, that I realized that my father had died on your birthday(2006), he was also a Libra, his birthday being on Oct2nd 1924. I had spent the afternoon with him that day, and I am still devastated that he is gone. Does he have any messages for me? Also I was terribly injured at work and have not yet been compensated financially. They do not want to pay. will this happen soon? Will I return to that place of employment? I have Loved you for years,love and light..Colleen...
By james, Thursday, October 23, 2008 11:33:18 AM
By Romayne, Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:02:31 AM
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! WE all love you !! Romayne
By Nadine, Monday, October 20, 2008 03:58:25 PM
Glenda...I see this happening for you but not until early spring of 09'. I hope this helps you and I see you going very far in your profession. Love and Blessings...Nadine.
By Nadine, Monday, October 20, 2008 12:31:30 PM
Ms Sylvia...Happy Birthday to you!! May Creator bless you always and may this year be your best ever. Love and Blessings...Nadine.
By Christine, Saturday, October 18, 2008 10:28:48 AM
Dear Sylvia I know I am a day early but I just wanted to tell you Happy Birthday, my birthday just past October 11th. I wanted to tell you that I love you and I watch you every time that you are on the Montel show, and when you answer the audience's question I get goose bumps and my eyes get watery all the time. I just absolutely love you, and I missed your October 16th webcast cause I was having difficulties with my computer, but now it's all fixed and I watched it, and I just wanted to tell you that October 16th was the day that my dad died a year ago to the day. I know you only want people to have one question for you, I have many but there are only 2 main concern questions that I really need answers too. The 1st one is; Did my dad make it to heaven? I miss him terribly I loved him so much, and it still hurts me that he is gone. I think about him all the time he died of lung cancer, and still this day I am still smoking cigarette's and so isn't my mom, I know he wanted me to quit he told me so when he had his 1st bycoscapy and thought that he wasn't going to make it and he told me to quit smoking but I haven't I did for about 2 and half months but then I got so stressed out from my boyfriend of 12 years that I started smoking again, which that brings me to my next question; Should I continue in my relationship with my boyfriend of 12 years? He has caused me and my daughter so much stress, I almost lost my apartment twice because of him, but I fought to stay and I did, but I finally moved out of there after 2 years when I fought to keep my apartment. I moved during the winter and I thought that mabe things would get better after I moved to another place where people don't know me, know my boyfriend, well I have to say that things were a little bit better and when the spring time came, he got a job landscaping and everything was going great until the guy he was working for let him go, don't know the reason behind it cause the guy was so nice to him and everything, but then something happened don't know what and he let him go. After that my boyfirend went down hill, the fights and the arguments started up again and my neighbors heard us arguing all the time and I just didn't want what happened at my old apartment to happen here at my new apartment, so after 5 months of losing his job, I told him that he had to go find another place to live cause we just can't live with you anymore, so he did and he is so persistent of moving back in, but I can't have that and I tell him so all the time, he comes over on the weekends, and even that is sometimes stressful and when it gets stressful he goes home, and then there are weekends that are great and makes me wonder if I should let him move back in with me and my daughter, but I don't cause I know if I did then things would go good for a week or 2 then he'll start his crap all over again. I have to tell you a about him when he was 8 years old he went to go wake up his father and his father was dead, he died in his sleep, and his mom has a disability, which when his father died and there was 4 kids she really couldn't take care of them all on her own but she did, and at that time is when things went downhill for my boyfriend, at 8 years old in out of foster care, juvenile lockups, started drinknig at the age of 12 and doing drugs, his sister and his older brother the same thing his younger brother well when he grew up the same thing, so he had a rough life growing up. I met him when I was 18 years old didn't know about his life until I met up with him 10 years later when Iwas 28 and at the time my daughter was 4 years old so we started a relationship together, at the time I didn't know that he was legally seperated, I knew he had 2 boys, but he told me that he was divorced so I thought that it was alright for us to get into a relationship and things were so great in the beginning until I found out about his ex how they were still married but legally seperated, but still I stayed with him because he told me that he didn't love her that he loved me and wanted to be with me, and I believed him not because he told me that he loved me and wanted to be with me, because of I seen how his ex-wife was at the time a real maniac, and she was he had stab wounds from her strangling marks around his neck she even came barging into my apartment and started beating on him, so I knew that he wanted to be with me, and as time went on in our relationship, I started finding out about his life when he was little and everything, and I knew he had a rough life growing up and I wanted to be the one to show him just how wonderful life can be, and I tried for 12 years to get him on the right path and every time he started going down the rihgt path, working and everything going good, his ex-wife would start trouble and he would lose his job end up in jail for child suppport all because she did not want him to be with me so she would get him fired from his job and the child support stopped so therefore she had him put in jail for non payment of chil support believe me when I say that cause she had told me herself in a letter that she wrote to me and also the messages she left me on machine, anyways when he would get out of jail he had to start all over again and he just got so discouraged, that he could never get his life back on track, when he finally does get his llife back on track she started all over agian getting him fired etc..., but years have passed and finally she gave up on trying to get him back, finally we were at peace we can move on in our relationship but because of the past in what she did it was very hard for him to get a job because of all the times he went to jail. I know he is a good person, I've seen it and every time things start to go good something always brings him down, and this time when I moved and he got that job landscaping and everything was going good, then the guy let him go for no reason, well there has to be a reason but we can't figure it out becaue I got him off the drugs I got him help and he was doing good working for him always on time working over time the guy even liked him got him a cell phone paid for him to get his license back after DOR took it cause of child support, my boyfriend was doing great because he wasn't doing drugs anymore, like I said working etc... then his boss let him go and we don't know why, and that of course set my boyfriend back and I mean way back, and after 5 months of not working cause he just can't seem to find any job that would hire him, I couldn't put up with him anymore I tried but things just went back to the way it use to be, and I tried so hard to help him, but losing that job set him down the wrong path and I don't think that this time he will ever find the right path again. And that is the reason why I need to know if I should just let him go, or should I stay and see if things will get better for him, for us? Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I hope and pray that you would be able to answer my 2 questions cause I really need to know. I am so in limbo right now that I don't know what to do about my boyfriend, and I really need to know if my dad made it to haeven. Once again thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I love you and have a wonderful Happy Birthday. Take care and GOD BLESS YOU Love and Prayers, Christine

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