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Angels Question And Answer
Ask The Angels - Questions Answered angels, psychic, psychics, find a free psychic, online psychic, find a online psychic free!  Live psychics, psychic medium, psychic predictions, ask now free! Why should I ask God and the angels for things? I really expect them to already know what I need and want!

When you ask God and the angels for assistance, it is like offering an invitation to go to work for your benefit. We all have free will to make decisions and we know that people make good choicesand they make not so good choices too. Asking for help is you making a choice to invite God and the angels into your life.


I feel funny asking for a job, a car or a house. Is it okay to ask the angels for things I want or need?

The angels truly love you and it is always okay to ask for something for yourselfwhen you do it in a pure and loving way. By asking for the things you need, you are asking for the assistance that you need. The job supports you and your family, the car gets you where you are going and the house shelters your family. These are all good things to ask for.

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Why would the angels want to listen to me? I’m not anyone special.

The angels are always there for you and they love youjust as you are today right now. You don’t have to be someone special or important to have the angels listen to you. Call on the angels whenever you need them, and they will be right by your side before you know it!


But if I ask the angels for help, then what happens if I get too many good things in my life?

Wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing to happen? If the angels give you so much, then you could be generous and be helpful to those you know that have little or even have nothing. When the angels listen to you and help you, this is something good. Please be happy that the angels have helped you.


Well I asked the angels for what I thought I wanted…but then I got it and it turns out that I really didn’t want that, so what’s next?

This experience is actually a sign of your own personal  growth and development. This may be a little confusing at first, but it is an accomplishment to be proud of. You are not focused on having “something” at all. Please know that what you wanted will go to the right person at the right  time, the angels will deliver it appropriately.


When I ask the angels for somethinghow detailed does my request need to be?

In your prayers and positive energy of asking, you create love and pure intention. This positive energy is more important than cataloging a list of minute details. Be as specific as you need to be, but trust the angels will bring you what you need and what you want. Angels always know!


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Can I help my friends and family by asking the angels to help them?

You can always ask the angels to protect and guide your friends and family. Call upon the angels anytime, day or night. But please also know that the angels work with your friends and family directly to assist them. Your good thoughts can only be helpful in sending angels to their aid.


Are we worshipping angels by paying attention to them like this?

The word “angel” means “messenger of God.” So angels come from God. Even if you attempted to worship an angel, your prayerful thoughts to the angel would go straight to God’s ears.


What should I ask the angels for? I don’t know what to ask for.

You can always ask the angels for guidance, that is an important thing to ask for. Angels protect and guide us day and night. Asking for either protection or guidance can be very helpful.


Why do we have angels?

Angels are here to help us through our daily lives. They exist to protect and guide us at all times. You can call upon an angel for assistance with any matter that concerns your heart. 

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By tammy, Monday, February 16, 2009 03:40:18 PM
where are the answers to all of the posted questions?? I cant seem to find them- I am probably overlooking but pleasde advise.. Thanks tammy, New Jersey
By Jannette, Monday, February 16, 2009 12:47:04 AM
i loved watching you on MONTEL and i really enjoy reading your books i learn so much from every book of yours i read thank you for that i wish you and your family the best.sincerely,JANNETTE
By Sherri, Friday, February 13, 2009 12:21:40 AM
Hi, Sylvia I am hoping you get this post, but you are probably getting ready for your valentine wedding! I am excited for you, and for me I get married 3/18, and I am 55 & he is 56. I a a taurus and he is a pisces. We are very happy together & my son likes him too. My son is handicapped mildly mentally & they get along well. I would like to know what sign your fiance is, and to let you know one of my sisters has your birthday, and she is a real loner, she is 68.
By Dawn, Wednesday, February 11, 2009 12:34:33 PM
Can the angels help me with my fertility issues? Ive been praying and trying to conceive for years but things are getting worse. Last year i have 5 inseminations and 2 miscarriages and now i have cysts and fibroids as a result of the meds. I know i was ment to bare a child. Please how can i ask the angels for help? Dawn M from NY Please can anyone help?
By rhonda, Wednesday, February 11, 2009 09:59:54 AM
sylvia,you are the greatest person i have ever known,i lost my husband,his father and his brother 17 months ago in 2 seperate accidents,i have recently met a wonderful man named neil,can you tell me if this relationship last a long time,i am not the type to jump from man to man,i really hope this relationship is a good one,for a long,long time,thanks sylvia,me e-mail is,canada
By Nicole, Tuesday, February 10, 2009 06:53:34 PM
Hi Sylvia; I have a problem with a cetain supervisor at work, will she or I transfer soon? I can't stand being around her anymore. Will; I ever find a decent job? Thanks.
By naomi, Tuesday, February 10, 2009 01:16:13 PM
Angel Message of the Day - In times of sadnesss, turn to the angels. Your angels are always there to comfort you and lift you up to a higher place of consciousness.
By Margie, Monday, February 09, 2009 11:32:11 PM
Helo sylvia, I have 4 teenage children and about 3 years ago found that 2 of them have abilites. My youngest sister bought me your one book that is based on psychic children and from the time I opend it up I could not put it down! I found your words very inspiriing and very meaningfull in that book. it had helped me understand my childrens abilities more and what they are going through. As of today tho they seem to show not as much ability as they first had in the begining. The abilites they were showing were seeing spirits, communicatting with them telepathically and being able to sence their presance before they appeard to them. I am happy they had the experience when they did because my mother inlaw was passing over to the other side at the time they were going through this and she even came to my youngest son and gave us a message through him letting us know she was ready to go and she would be looking after us and how much she loved us. It was after she appeard to my son (scared the day light out of him) that it all seemd to have gone from them. I believe she had soemthing to do with that because last thing she would evr have wanted would of been seeing her grand children afraid. but we (even me) still hear things go bump durring the night and pick up scents here and there of her or other love dones who passed over. I just want to thank you evr so much for being the person that you are and to write theese great books shareing your experiences and teaching us through your words! Your one of a kind and loved dearly by so many of us out here Sylvia. God Bless and stay well, Mrs. Margie Kimmel
By Linda, Monday, February 09, 2009 04:05:39 PM
Sylvia, Please help me pray for my Friend Judy P. She has lung cancer and now on hospice. Can you give me some advice to say to her to comfot her. She has been there for me since 1980. She is a beautiful soul. Please help me. Linda, in Texas
By Carolyn, Sunday, February 08, 2009 07:40:42 PM
I would like to know why my exhusband and father of my oldest child committed suicide at the age of 33? I also would like to know why my parents and siblings have completly abandoned me and nolonger want me or my husband in their lives. Closure is what I am looking for. I have forgiven them and thanked them for the lessons learned. Best wishes, Carolyn

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