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Do Our Spirit Guides Help Us Psychically?

by Sylvia Browne


Anyone who knows me just a little—already knows all about Francine. Francine is my beloved Spirit Guide who has been with me since I was young. Francine is not just my Spirit Guide, I consider her a wonderful companion and friend. When you get to know your Spirit Guide—you form a special bond like no other.


But many have wondered if Spirit Guides give us psychic information. Your Spirit Guide can certainly help with your life chart and the lessons that come into your life. But their purpose in your life is not to offer you psychic information. Your ability to be psychic is a connection between you and God, not between you and your Spirit Guide.


That being said, your Spirit Guide can often offer you great wisdom and assistance. It can be extremely useful to listen to what your Spirit Guide has to say when they speak of your life. I speak to Francine every night before turning in for bed about the course of my life and I listen to what she has to say.


Do you communicate with your Spirit Guide? What has your Spirit Guide told you about your life that has been useful?

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Elicia, Thursday, June 19, 2008 03:11:44 PM
Greetings, I am Elicia born on Halloween night in "1976" My dad always called me his little witch LOL... Anyway I have a story to tell.. Feb.2005 I had my song copied writed titled "The Other Side" in which I wrote for my son who was 11 at the time. Some of the lyrics are "when you need me I'll be there floating in the CRISP WINTERS AIR. The song is telling him I will see him & always be there when I die. Well then in April of 2005 I conceieved exactly 11 months after having a miscarriage.. I had complications during this whole time. When I was about 4 months or so I learned of my dad having cancer which was misdiagnosed in the end it was bone cancer..............In November of 2005 at 31 weeks my water broke & I spent the Thanks giving (about 17 days) in the hospital. Finally on December 3 2005 at 11:25pm they had to do an emergancy c-section. We had a beautiful little girl she weighed 4 lbs 11oz. When I was able to feel my legs & go see her she was in bed 11. She is exactly 11yrs 11months younger than her brother. She had to stay in NICU for about 18 days before she cold come home.. More about that story some other time........... My daddy born on April 11, 1940 died at home on 12/11/2006, just days after my little girl turned 1 & missing my sons 12th birthday on 1/11.. I was there & walked him home, I had told my daddy a fews days prior that he would come to me & I would see & it would all be ok...As I was craddling his head.. Now back to my song in which the winters air, he died in winter, so the song instead of for my kids it really turns out to be for me.. Now in April of of 2006 only 4 months after his death my daddy did come & he left me a message on my answering machine.. First it sounds as if he says my name then I hear... If I could....were ganna meet again....I love you... My mom called me that day & instead of leaving a message she tried to hang up, but it didn't hang up & my daddy spoke... I would love for you Sylvia & anyone else to hear my daddys message. I have it posted along with my song at You can stop the song from playing at anytime then scroll down & I have a you tube player that has a picture of me when I was young with my daddy & if you push play turn your volume up for my daddys message.. My dad thought Sylvia was a Quack LOL but he came to let me know for sure that what I know is soooooo......... Much Love To Everyone ~ELicia~ aka **HalloweenStar** P.S. Sylvia you are the closest spirit like my grandmas who died when I was 7 & I just love your spirit,your humor,your light.... Blessings & Love to You.............
By Maureen, Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:04:03 AM
Hi Sylvia, thankyou so much for still being there for all of us and to continue to answer our questions. I have heard my spirit guide say my name in my right ear. Very fast as you've said . But I do feel her presence everyday .I have a strong feeling her name is Rachel. Am I right? Thankyou, Love Maureen in NH
By Melvin, Thursday, June 19, 2008 08:49:09 AM
I have misread it, I thought physically. My answer is definitely yes. They are making immense impact to what we think, on how we decide and on many different things. I can say that at some point they are synonymous with conscience. It helps us act better and makes us do what is right.
By maylin, Thursday, June 19, 2008 08:08:22 AM
Hi Rachel. Well, there are really times when you can not remember your dreams. Not being able to remember it does not mean that you are not listening. The next time you will have a dream about your spirit guide, the next day you wake up, try to pray and maybe it will help you remember it.
By Rachel, Wednesday, June 18, 2008 10:45:59 PM
Okay I have gone to bed asking my Spirit Guide to let me know his/her gender and of course name. Problem is that for the love of God, I know my Spirit Guide answered me because the next day after the dream like conversation (after several days of asking of course)I felt the overwhelming feeling that I knew him but could not remember the name. Til this day I haven't had that dream again! Am I just not listening or what? I tend to have a short attention span. Any advise?
By Sue, Wednesday, June 18, 2008 07:28:42 PM
Peace be with you Sylvia! Good for you-going to Ireland.. i must have a past life their or somewhere close by, i feel so peacefull when i see photos.. same thing for Mass... New England are living my dream... so please take alot of pictures!! I would like to know also my spirit guide's name... Sue, Palmdale,CA
By Melvin, Wednesday, June 18, 2008 08:24:11 AM
I'm again a little confused. Are spirit guides different from angels? Well if it's not then I am always asking for guidance. One thing that I know is not beyond my reach is the safety of me and my family so I always ask for protection and guidance.
By maylin, Wednesday, June 18, 2008 04:33:08 AM
Hi Lavern. I think everyone of us has spirit guides. We just have to believe. I also know that i have a spirit guide but i still have not met my spirit guide. I just hope i could meet my spirit guide soon.
By Lavern, Tuesday, June 17, 2008 08:26:42 AM
I wanted to know if everybody has a spirit guide. If I have, what is his name and how would I know if I have my spirit guide. Also with my daughters, the eldest is 8 years old and the youngest is 2 years old. I want also to know their spirit guide and in case I have someone to rely on if they are in danger. Thank you!
By maylin, Tuesday, June 17, 2008 01:09:34 AM
i think they do. there are some people that our spirit guide and even God can not help us physically. and they just laugh about it. but for me, i do believe on this. and our spirit guide is the one that connects us to God. so it can really help us when we need help.

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