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Learning About The Hall of Resolutions
by Sylvia Browne

I am so pleased to take you on this tour of the various Temples and Halls that exist on The Other Side. Today, let us discuss the Hall of Resolutions. This is an important Hall to learn about.

The Hall of Resolutions is near the Hall of Records. It is large and Romanesque in style, just like many of the other structures that exist on The Other Side. It has huge pillars at its entrance. The entryway is quite elegant, as it is lined in gold and as you walk in you are led into an oval-shaped room with marble floors. There is an ornate looking table that seats approximately six to eight people at once.

This table is set up specifically for counseling. Anyone who goes into the Hall of Resolutions for this type of assistance will receive it. This temple was created to help people resolve their specific issues and carryovers from their existences.

It can be so healing to spend time in the Hall of Resolutions. You will understand your life chart from your previous life more full and with compassion and greater wisdom. This Hall offers us so much on The Other Side!

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By maylin, Wednesday, July 23, 2008 09:27:30 AM
can you please stop posting nonsense things Gerry! you are a big destruction in this forum. if you want to do what you are doing, try writing it on a paper, not here because we all have serious discussions here! please, get a life
By maylin, Sunday, July 20, 2008 06:26:07 AM
wow Joy, that is an amazing dream. you know, i think your dream happens to be what the people in life and death situation experience. it is choosing between who and who. you chose to be with your five children and i think that our life really depends on how we decide. making the right decisions in life is a very important thing.
By joy, Saturday, July 19, 2008 11:03:57 AM
Hi Sylvia,god bless you and thank you for helping so.....many are a few of my dreams.i am flying in the sky with 2other spirits,1 on each side of me. as we are flying i do a tumble sauce in the air and it tickles my stomache.we laugh and i say i shouldnt have done we fly i see a beautiful front yard with flowers and pretty trees and i say that house and yard is so nice,but as we fly over the house i notice the backyard is dark overgrown and swampy looking.i always ewwww never mind.half of the house was good energy and half was bad.i have had this dream more then once.another dream that i had was.i was in an open area,beautiful outdoor place.i was talking to a young spirit i loved this young spirit with all my heart(this brings tears to my eyes even now)as we were talking she (not sure if the spirit was male or female,but i feel female)told me that i wouldnot be able to see her anymore.the sorrow and pain i felt was overwhelming.i was told to look up when i did there was a glass wall on the other side was my five children crying and calling for me and i than knew i had to come recall this dream or even think about this dream still brings great sadness to me.before i left i was hugging and lying with a lioness,i told the lioness i loved her.i could tell you more dreams but i dont want to run out of room.thank you for all that you joy
By maylin, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 06:50:46 AM
yeah, i get your point Green. maybe that was not really the hall of resolution. and it is true that we do not know what will happen to us when we die and where we will go. but i think that this hall of resolution is still important when we die. maybe it will teach us so many things about our past life and by that, we will learn how to accept it and be happy on the other side.
By Green, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 09:49:52 AM
Maylin that is amazing that she saw her mother and could hear the people talking around her. My point was that we do not really know what happens beyond the point when you are truely dead. She did see her mom but she did not go to the place where all the dead people really are.
By maylin, Sunday, July 13, 2008 04:01:12 AM
Hi Maryanne. that is what i was saying about life after death. now i really believe on it because you also shared your story. and i am not sure if the place you went to is the hall of resolutions. but i am starting to think that it is. and i was not wrong about the life and death stuff. you are blessed because you didn't lose your life and i am happy for you. good luck to your new life.=)
By Aries, Saturday, July 12, 2008 07:02:36 PM
@Maryann, probably the Tunnel that Sylvia talks about, look through her blog and articles, she has a page on it somewhere. Now, on topic, unlike everyone else on this blog, just curious, how is it that we're never taught to go to the other side? You can obviously manage it with your own power.
By Maryann, Saturday, July 12, 2008 10:41:51 AM
Hi Sylvia, I think you are so inspiring and loved watching you on Montel. Now to the point, when I gave birth to my son on April 4, 1993 I had no problem delivering him. But after delivery the placenta was attached to my uterus and I was hemmoraging so the anesthised me and I was out. The only thing I remember was that I was in this wonderful white like temple with huge pillars, it was so beautiful and bright, I kept saying Hello but noone answered and I was sent back , although I didn't want to leave. I will never forget this, and anyone Itell they think I am crazy. The doctor said we almost ost her and I awoke. Where was I?
By maylin, Saturday, July 12, 2008 01:39:34 AM
Green, i really don't know but i have a friend who were in a life and death situation. the time when she was in coma, and when she woke up, she told us about her experiences. yeah, maybe what she told me was not about the hall of resolution. but she said that she saw her dead mom and her mom was asking to go with her. her mom and the place were all white. she also said that she can still hear the people around her talking while in coma.
By Green, Friday, July 11, 2008 04:38:04 AM
Maylin, I don't think people in coma are really dead. I agree that their souls do go to another place sometimes but I don't think they really cross over to the place where dead people really are because I think that place is a place of no return.

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