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What The Other Side Looks Like
by Sylvia Browne

Don't you get tired of hearing that the Other Side is "more beautiful than you can imagine," as if that will somehow help us picture it? First of all, if it's more beautiful that we can imagine, why bother trying to imagine it? Second of all, with a vague description like that, no wonder it's tempting to think that maybe the Other Side is really nothing but a pretty fairy tale after all.

The truth is, The Other Side is exquisitely beautiful. But we don't have to imagine it, any more than we have to imagine our own hometowns. Its stunning images are indelibly etched in our spirit memories. We all came from The Other Side, we've returned there many times between lives, and we'll joyfully live there again when this life ends. And, believe it or not, we're all so homesick for The Other Side that every one of us travels there astrally, during sleep, at least two or three times a week, we just don't consciously remember it.

The Other Side is a perfect mirror image of earth's natural topography. Our seven continents; our mountain ranges, plains, and deserts; our oceans, seas, and rivers; our forests, jungles, islands, foothills, and every other work of nature on earth all exists in their original perfection on The Other Side. Because there is no erosion, pollution or destruction there, the mountain ranges are as sharp and soaring, the bodies of water are as pure and azure blue, and the coastline are as ruggedly intact as they were here thousands and thousands of years ago. On The Other Side, where time does not exist, where every living thing always was and always will be, nothing ages, nothing rots, nothing corrodes. Every square inch of land and water is magnificently, eternally new.

That includes earth's two lost continents. Atlantis thrives in the ocean on The Other Side that corresponds to our Atlantic, and in their Pacific lies the huge, flourishing continent of LeMuria.

This is just the beginning of what The Other Side looks like. I will share more about The Other Side with you in other blog posts here at! 

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Jan, Thursday, October 23, 2008 03:55:05 PM
Dearest Sylvia, I love you so much, I really enjoyed seeing you in Detroit again. At the end of the show I gave you a frog pin and a card I hope you got it after the show. I would like to talk to you sometime to ask if my Mother is okay? I lost her almost 2 years ago. A piece of me died with her that day and I miss her everyday. God Bless You for what you do. Take care
By Denise, Thursday, October 23, 2008 03:33:29 PM
Dear Sylvia, When my son was about a year old I had a vivid dream seeing my mom who had passed over about 15 years ago(at that time).I had my son with me in a stroller. At first I thought I was in a airport waiting area, but when I looked around there was a line of people coming through a door, most were dressed nicely(I saw a young girl with a dress she might wear for special occasions)the entire place was carpeted in a soft gray-even the walls. There were large windows, but when you looked out it was like a heavy fog outside.It occured to me then that all the people coming in were dead, there were no other people around or going out another door, but I was not afraid.Suddenly there was my mom - looking like she did in her 30's, I could see the red nail polish, makeup, no gray hair, young again. She said to me"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this " & she picked up my son, talking baby talk to him & he was smiling. I asked her what was she doing here & she said she was waiting for my father. IShe hugged me & handed me back my baby- that's when I woke up. I must have cried for an hour, my husband thought I was nuts! It was so real to this day it gives me goosebumps. The next morning I called my sister to make sure my dad was alright (he was) & told her about my dream, & started crying again. I know in my heart I visited my mom that night. Denise.
By Mary, Thursday, October 23, 2008 12:41:51 PM
Dear Sylvia, I love all your teachings, and find the tone of your voice very consoling. Please stay on this planet as long as you can coz we all need you. Thank you, Mary Bahrmann
By Marion, Tuesday, October 07, 2008 02:38:06 PM
I can't believe how many people have visions, astral travel, dreams and knowledge of the Other Side....including myself, and yet we let our faith waver at the first sign of trouble in our lives. Shame on me...God give me the faith to stand tall and steadfast and know that I've chosen this path and when all is said and done...I will return home as planned!!! Marion
By Diane, Monday, September 29, 2008 08:05:10 AM
Gerry, y-a-w-n! Your comments are a little boring and redundant. I believe that your comments are easily forgettable. Speaking to you as a friend, you could really use your energy to help yourself.
By Diane, Sunday, September 28, 2008 10:14:06 PM
Gerry, Gerry, everyone knows that hell is a state of mind. Is that where your mind is?
By Laura, Tuesday, September 23, 2008 11:15:36 PM
Hi Sylvia, Thank you for being you! I am so thankful that I found you and your books, what a blessing! My question is, will my mother's health improve, or will she pass away from drinking? Will we ever be close as we once were? Thanks again Sylvia, Laura from Minnesota
By Wendy, Thursday, September 18, 2008 10:20:22 PM
I just listened to your 2nd webcast, as I have dial-up, and I had no idea what formatto expect I am thrilled you have a new way to reach people, and I pray you are happy and healthy for many more years to come! Thank you soooo much for reaching out to those of us who don't have the means to pay for a reading, or any other way of reaching you! I am at a real crossroads in my own life..I'm 61, I lost my job in March, and I am emotionally paralyzed with fear of the future, to the point that I am harming, not helping myself through my inaction. The loss of my job also threw me into the grief of losing my father that I had been suppressing. What can I do to break through my own emotional logjam? I feel like every time I turn around, I take a one-two punch from something. Thanks you sooo much! Wendy
By Catherine, Friday, September 12, 2008 07:37:20 AM
Dearest Sylvia I was going to ask something of you,until I saw how many people needed you.Sylvia do you what you can do for me? Please go take a long vacation on a tropical island,no phone no lights no moter car ,well maybe a car lets not get crazy but leave off all communication with the world,I don't know of anyone in this world who deserves a long rest getting waited on hand and foot,maybe by the chippindale dancers,ha ha why not have a little eye candy?go get a nice rest,that would make me happy. Love,from Catherine
By SUSAN, Saturday, September 06, 2008 10:49:10 PM
Does everyone have an angel looking after them. If not what causes some to have an angel and others not.

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