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His Sign In Love


Cancer is the sign of family and children, ruler of the heart and all its matters, which he takes rather seriously. While his friends are playing the field or ordering their first legal cocktails, he's busy picking names for his future children or mentally configuring what kind of a dad he'll be.

Crabs hang with a tight circle of friends, and he may find his mate within his. Since he only trusts his inner posse, his pals may act as a romantic referral service. A homebody at heart, he just wants to cozy up on the couch with his mate — although he loves to take you out, princess style too. He's highly intuitive but equally moody, so his partner needs to respect his emotions.

A sensitive, sometimes insecure creature, he needs stability and lots of reassurance — which is why he's strongly attracted to confident, successful types. Cancers can be mama's boys, and will need a nurturing, trustworthy partner with whom he can build a nest. Although he'll have dozens of crushes, falling in love is serious business to him. His sensitive nature makes him uncomfortable opening up to just anyone. As a result, in matters of the heart he takes a long time to decide if a partner is reliable enough to hear his deepest secrets. Once he does, he's in for the long haul.

Since he's so close to his family, his mate MUST get along with his kin or the relationship simply won't work. He lives for those cozy, multi-generational Thanksgiving dinners and family vacations. A partner who loves kids and family is just his type.

Still, he's gotta cut the cord, which many Cancer men are reluctant to do. Like a Crab, he can cling, and it takes a long time for him to let go of love.

He needs the right combination of toughness and tenderness, and a steady partner who is both loyal and sympathetic. Players beware — Cancer is looking for security and closeness, not a casual fling. He's not easily fooled by the smooth-talking types. In fact, he can be quite the challenge for prospective mates. You must be vulnerable first if you want him to feel comfortable exposing his own soft insides. Though it may sometimes feel like you're dating a woman, the Cancer man will also create a safe space for you to relax and let your feminine essence shine.

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