Horoscope Articles |
The Sun enters Libra, the sign of relationships, today, marking the Autumnal Equinox in the northern hemisphere. How will this affect you? |
September’s new moon is in the domestic, discipline loving sign of Virgo today. How will it affect you? |
The days from September 15th to September 17th are going to be challenging for many signs, especially Saturn will impact all signs today. |
The Mercury Retrograde is occurring in the sign of Libra today. How will this occurrence affect your sign? |
This Fall season proves to be eventful when it comes to astrological events. Here are the top ten astrological to watch for that can shape your destiny in September, October, and November. |
Compared to the Spring and Summer, Fall 2009 is going to seem much more positive astrologically. Find out which days will be the best and luckiest for you. |
Don’t be surprised if life gets a little weird during the last week of August. Find out how astrological events will affect your zodiac sign. |
The recent New Moon in Leo - a SuperMoon - will have effects over the next couple of weeks. How will it affect your zodiac sign? |
The asteroid Juno goes retrograde today, potentially creating some unstable situations. Learn how the Juno Retrograde affects your zodiac sign. |
Today is the Full Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius. How will this major event affect your zodiac sign? |
Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron have been in the progressive sign of Aquarius all year, but on July 30th, Mercury opposes this triad of planets causing some big changes in our lives. |
The upcoming stray moon in Scorpio could mean drama for you and your zodiac sign. Find out how it will affect you. |
Today's New Moon in Cancer is going to make everything more emotional over the next few weeks. How will the New Moon affect you? |
How will today's total solar eclipse affect you and your zodiac sign? |
Even though Harry Potter is a mythical person, he has a horoscope! Celebrate the release of the new Harry Potter movie by reading his astrology chart. |