Dreams Articles
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By Dodie, Saturday, August 04, 2012 09:10:26 AM
They are referred to as "Money Toads".
By renee, Saturday, April 02, 2011 04:27:42 PM
I have done this for others as well as myself and itreally works!! I get a fountain that has running water in it...then once a day you drop a silver coin into it (not pennies) and say this each time "MONEY FLOWS, MONEY SHINES, MONEY GROWS, MONEYS MINE'...and within a month (if you want the same objective all the time)the opportunity will present itself and it is better if you use rocks from a flowing stream in the fountain. Give it a shot!!
By Amelia, Thursday, March 10, 2011 05:03:20 PM
whatever you put out into the universe, you will get in return. Respect your hard earned money, value the kindess you receive, give with an open heart. And pay it forward. People first then things. ASP
By Debbie, Sunday, March 06, 2011 12:56:42 PM
This does not work and thinking positive has it's benefits but the only money that comes with this practice is the money you already receive every month,so I do not think more money comes when you think positive. Sorry but it has never worked for me.
By Kristie, Monday, March 08, 2010 08:37:07 AM
For all of you complaining about getting your questions answered, this is a "Comment" section (not "Question"). All of you are whiners and it makes me not want to read this any more.
By Effie, Friday, January 23, 2009 12:28:52 PM
This is to Pam T. I think I can answer your question for you if you're open to hearing it. The more you focus on lack, the more you attract it and the more it materializes in your life. When you change your thoughts, you absolutely change your life. Ok, here's how it works for me. I make it a practice to use my own personal mantras either aloud or in thoughts every day,especially when those negative, I've never had anything go right and I never will kind of thoughts pop up. One of my favorite mantras is "A money miracle happens to me today" When I say or think it, I do so as though what I'm saying has already happened. It lifts my spirits and unblocks my ability to draw prosperity to me. Positive thoughts and words are much more powerful than the negatives are, believe it or not. Just as thinking and saying you've never had anything and never will blocks prosperity from manifesting itself in your life, using positive thoughts and words attracts the prosperity like a magnet. When you use whatever mantra you may choose to use, it's good to say (or think it) several times during the day and believe that what you are thinking/saying has already come true. It will attract prosperity (or anything else you want for that matter) and it will lift your spirits like you couldn't possibly imagine. Give it a try, with an open mind to the extreme probability of having what you say/think manifest in your life. Good luck!
By kathy, Friday, January 16, 2009 07:07:35 AM
its funny and its not, but i go on this web site and i even post comments some times(which i think i am going to stop cause i have never had any of them answered )why don't they just hire some one to just answer the comments!! after all this is ridiculous!!! kathy
By jerrildine, Wednesday, January 07, 2009 04:35:33 AM
You can find the lucky waving cat at gamblers book store, las vegas.................think they are online.
By PAM, Thursday, January 01, 2009 11:13:39 PM
It's hard to value and respect yourself for prosperity to happen when absolutely nothing ever goes right for you. Where do we get answers to our questions. Thank you. PAM T.
By Tina, Thursday, December 25, 2008 08:46:34 PM
I would like to know where this statue you talk about in this article can be found? does anyone answer to these comments? Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 You must log in to post a comment. If you don't already have a My Spirit Now account, sign up now. |