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His Sign In Love


When it comes to love, Aquarius is a funny creature. He's an idealist who believes in true love, always searching for a best friend and soulmate in one. On the other hand, his sign rules casual connections, and he guards your independence fiercely. While he has friends by the thousands and he's totally laid-back around them, he can be neurotic and unpredictable with his romantic partners.

Just figuring out what he wants — and sticking to it — is enough of a challenge for ever-shifting Aquarius. His sign is ruled by Uranus, the planet of surprises and sudden moves. Many Aquarians marry young and out of the blue, only to divorce just as suddenly.

The real issue? He may look like the boy next door, but most Aquarians are eccentric beings. What's in that package may be quite different than the often clean-cut wrapper suggests. Although he may come across as light and superficial, he's a true visionary with a lot of complex layers, and may secretly believe that nobody can truly understand him. This leads him to settle for less-qualified candidates, just to avoid being alone.

Rather than get hung up on a bad match (he can obsess over a breakup for years bordering on stalker status), Aquarians should mingle in social circles that reflect his deepest interests. Aquarius is the sign of groups, friendship and humanitarian pursuits. Joining a network of people who share his beliefs — like environmental protection or animal rights — is where he'll likely meet a mate who shares his ideals. He'd love to date a best friend with whom he can kick back, laugh AND save the world.

Since he needs lots of freedom, he may be drawn to a long-distance relationship. Unconventional living arrangements are not uncommon in Aquarius romances. He may wish to keep his own residence even after you've declared your matrimonial vows. Connecting with his partner on the mental plane is far more important than seeing her in the flesh every day. He'd rather be sending "I miss you" e-mails from a spiritual pilgrimage than having the same "how was your day, dear?" conversation after a predictable daily grind.

As the sign of the rebel, he's not above a good controversy, so it all comes out in the wash. He loves to shock people, like Aquarius Ashton Kutcher who married 40-something actress Demi Moore when he was in his 20s. At times, it may seem he bases his romantic choices on the need to prove a point. If his family has pressured him to tie the knot, he could spend years giving them the proverbial finger and refusing to engage in a long-term relationship. To keep your Aquarius coming home every night (at least while he's not traveling the world), veer away from the predictable at all times. This revolutionary Romeo wants to invent a romance with his own funky spin. An open-minded mate who will create this fantasy world with him is what this guy needs to feel satisfied.

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