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2010 Psychic Predictions: Roxanne Usleman, N.Y. Times Best Seller List
2010 Psychic Predictions with Roxanne Halderman Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures World, National, & Local Financial Psychic Predictions

1: Global financial corporations and banking institutions in the U.S. and around the world will begin merging together.

2: The stressful diplomatic relations with North Korea, China, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, (two other countries not yet identified) will lead to serious confrontation and possible nuclear warfare.   

3: A dirty bomb exploding in a large metropolitan city, Los Angeles, New York, or Chicago.

4: Israel-Iran confrontation will increase.

5: There will be an Earthquake in the San-Francisco or San Bernardino area however, it will be less severe than the one that will take place in the next generation.

6: The eco-system will soon be in a crisis.  High levels of toxic chemicals and other pollutants such as estrogen filling the eco-water system will cause major health problems and water shortages. Because of human consumption and being careless with the environment that surrounds us, there will be more drastic negative environmental changes, such as another tsunami.

7: Inflation overload will cause higher food prices.

8: Assassination of a prominent government official.

9: Terrorism is on the rise.

Gold & Silver 2010 Psychic Predictions About All Precious Metals

10: Gold is soaring to all time highs. Silver will move higher than current market price. Oil will fluctuate up and down, and then "Go Through The Roof!" Higher than ever expected.

11: The birth of a new gold-backed world currency will soon begin.  The new monetary system is now being developed.  Silver will also play a part in the new currency though, not to the extent of gold.

Economic Psychic Predictions & Issues With The Economy for 2010, 2011 & 2012

12: A sharp downturn in the economic recovery & inflation,  will create a boomerang effect. This effect will be felt throughout the world, yet a few countries will be free from the effects and there will be a re-visiting of an 1920's style depression however, it will be in a more chaotic scale.

13: A banking crisis such as failing banks, bankruptcy, long lines, rioting in the streets will increase.

Celebrity Psychic Predictions for 2010

14:  A very famous celebrity who has been experiencing continued health problems will become very ill.  Sadly they will then pass away.  When this takes place it will signify the "beginning to the end of the world", her first name being Elizabeth, for integrity purposes, the full name is not shown, though it is documented. 

UFO, NASA, Alien & Extraterrestrial Psychic Predictions for 2010, 2011 & 2012

15: Unusual Extraterrestrial sightings will take place throughout the next 2-3 upcoming years.

Good & Evil Psychic Predictions
16: The fight between "good and evil" will cause a raising of consciousness for some, chaos and calamity for others.  Enlightenment therefore has the magical ability to create less severity and counteract some of the negativity that will take place.

Roxanne Elizabeth Halderman is a world class psychic who has claimed notoriety because of her accurate psychic predictions, for her clients and in the world. She is an author, parapsychologist and metaphysician who has been seen on such places as Fox News Channel (for her accurate worldwide predictions for the new-millennium), Roxanne has also accurately accounted and consulted for financial and wall-street stock predictions for The new York Times, CNN, and Nightline and has consulted for world events for .

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By Tiffany, Thursday, December 17, 2009 10:09:36 PM
Since when did GOD write the bible??????
By Tiffany, Thursday, December 17, 2009 01:38:11 PM
Oh, I completely agree with you, Debbie. I definately think our president is doing a fabulous job. He's a great man who is just trying to do the best he could for everybody. I haven't a problem with him at all...I just thought maybe the author of this artical did.
By Larry, Thursday, December 17, 2009 12:00:54 PM
What we don't know is that ET will play a huge role in our survival. Yes, and you others are right, see bad, get bad. There will always be challenges to over come. Did someone think this was paradise? Unless you go to Costa Rica, lol Larry
By Debbie, Wednesday, December 16, 2009 10:02:20 PM
Some of you just cannot accept the truth. You need to enjoy your time here and do good to others especially those you have a hard time with in life. What is to come is what it is. Our current president is doing a fabulous job. Look what he had to clean up after. He will not complete the task in his term either. 1000 years of white light and positive is coming our way very quickly. In the meantime, be positive and contribute to that in this life time and not to negativity. EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion. Good night and God Bless you all
By kim, Wednesday, December 16, 2009 04:45:06 PM
Good day. my name is Kim i do not understand some things. first the death in our gov.if you state you no then why would you not inform that person? if you state that a well no actress will pass why not give her last name? could it be Taylor.Also, God states in the BIBLE no man shall no the end of the world. What makes you the person to say what you said after the actress passes away . you say you no all this but do not one thing to help people why? God gives gifes to people like you .not to say all grim things. if you no all tell all .last names warn people of whom in gov going to die. and why not work for gov. you no in the Bible it staes there has to be 7 years of peace in the middle east befor the end of time. these people have been frighting befor JESUS was born. One more thing weare is Bin loten /? oh i no you cant reply to any thing but why not help the gov GOD BLESS YOU KIM
By Larry, Wednesday, December 16, 2009 03:39:36 PM
What we don't know is that ET will play a huge role in our survival. Yes, and you others are right, see bad, get bad. There will always be challenges to over come. Did someone think this was paradise? Unless you go to Costa Rica, lol Larry
By Annette, Wednesday, December 16, 2009 03:01:28 PM
Doesn't sound like nothing positive for 2010...hmmm..
By melissa, Wednesday, December 16, 2009 01:25:13 PM
Is there anything good that is going to happen. Thniking negative , negative will happen. Let's stay positive people, I mean really.
By Keisha K, Wednesday, December 16, 2009 12:33:03 PM
Mark 13:31 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. 32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. 33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. In other words, no (wo)man including Jesus, angels, etc., can predict the end! If there is an end. I seem to feel it's one big continuem whether we're physically here or on the other side. Oh well we'll soon see I guess.
By Deborah, Wednesday, December 16, 2009 11:49:49 AM
There is nothing psychic about her readings. She is well knowledged on current events. Everything that she stated is common knowledge to almost every person on the planet. Its almost like saying "that there will be a major plane crash in February" everyone knows that February and March have been major months for that to happen" just check the records. or a famous celebrity will die or shock everyone . That always been common knowledge over the decades as well. There are plenty of ageing celebrities. I am not a skeptic, I do believe in good psychics. Like Egar Casey and Jeanne Dixin etc.

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